What are Essential Amino Acids?

definition of terms


Essential amino acids are the 9 amino acids that the body cannot synthesize and must get through diet. They are critical for building proteins and muscle tissue.


  • The 9 essential amino acids are: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine.
  • These amino acids are used to synthesize new proteins for muscle repair, recovery, and growth. Without sufficient essential amino acids, you can’t build muscle.
  • Animal products like eggs, meat and dairy contain all essential amino acids. Plant foods need complementary proteins to provide the full essential amino acid profile.
  • Whey, casein and soy protein supplements ensure muscle builders get adequate essential amino acids, especially leucine for muscle protein synthesis.


  • Adding whey protein to a veggie smoothie to get all essential aminos.
  • Having Greek yogurt after a workout to deliver branched chain amino acids like leucine.

Related Terms

  • Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), leucine, protein synthesis, protein intake

Common Questions

  • How much protein do I need? 0.7-1g per pound of body weight daily.
  • Where do vegans get essential aminos? Combining plant proteins like beans, nuts, grains.

Do Not Confuse With

  • Nonessential amino acids – Produced in the body naturally, not required in diet.
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