Hydration refers to the process of consuming adequate water and fluids to maintain fluid balance and bodily function. Being properly hydrated supports health.

- Water makes up 50-70% of bodyweight. It flushes toxins, transports nutrients, lubricates joints, aids digestion and performs countless functions.
- Dehydration results from inadequate fluid intake relative to sweat and urine losses. Symptoms include headache, fatigue, dizziness and dark urine.
- Aim to hydrate before feeling thirsty. Drink about half your body weight in ounces of water daily as a baseline.
- Electrolytes like sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium are essential to hydration. Sports drinks can replenish electrolytes.
- Urine color, sweat rate, thirst and body weight help assess hydration status. Dark urine signals dehydration.
- Drinking water and electrolytes after an intense workout
- Carrying a water bottle and sipping regularly throughout the day
Related Terms
- Hyperhydration, rehydration, electrolyte balance, sodium, bioelectrical impedance
Common Questions
- When should I drink more fluids? In heat, at altitude, if sick, when training hard, or if urine is dark.
- Does coffee and tea count? Partially, but the caffeine can act as a mild diuretic.

Do Not Confuse With
- Water retention – Excess fluid held in tissues due to medical conditions.
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