Hip thrusts are a compound lower body exercise where you extend your hips against resistance to target the glutes, hamstrings and core.

- To perform hip thrusts: Sit on ground with your upper back on a bench holding a weight across hips. Push through heels, squeezing glutes to lift hips up to straighten body.
- Use a barbell, dumbbells or kettlebells for added resistance. You can also do single-leg hip thrusts.
- Hip thrusts isolate the glutes while incorporating core stabilization. Do 2-4 sets of 8-15 reps, ramping up weight.
- Place shoulders on bench to avoid overarching lower back. Avoid going to high with hips.
Examples of Hip Thrusts
- Barbell hip thrusts
- Banded single leg hip thrusts
- Bodyweight hip thrusts
Related Terms
- Glute bridges, hip extension, glute activation, posterior chain
Common Questions
- Are hip thrusts better than squats for glutes? They provide more direct glute stimulation with less quad involvement.
- Should I do heavy or light hip thrusts? Use a challenging weight that allows 8-15 quality reps.

Do Not Confuse With
- Good mornings – Hits glutes but primarily works lower back.
- Hip adduction – Works inner thighs rather than full glute contraction.
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