What is Eccentric Exercise?

definition of terms


Eccentric exercise refers to muscle actions where the muscle lengthens or elongates under tension. It contrasts with concentric motion where the muscle shortens and contracts.


  • Eccentric contractions occur when the muscle fibers resist against an opposing force that stretches them.
  • They happen during the lowering phase of lifts like squats, bicep curls, and lat pulldowns. Gravity provides the opposing force as you lower the weight.
  • Eccentric training places greater tension on the muscles. It can improve strength and muscle mass while minimizing joint stress.
  • It may also help treat tendonitis since the lengthening contractions increase tensile strength.


  • The downward motion of a bicep curl or bench press
  • Lowering yourself during a pull-up or squat
  • The return phase of a kettlebell swing

Related Terms

  • Concentric contraction, pliability, time under tension, strength training

Common Questions

  • Should I do eccentric-only training? No, combine it with concentric lifts for balanced development.
  • Does eccentric exercise build more muscle? Yes, due to greater tension placed on the muscles.

Do Not Confuse With

  • Isometric – No change in muscle length under tension
  • Isotonic – Combination of concentric and eccentric contractions
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