The knee extension is an isolation exercise that targets the quadriceps by extending the knees against resistance from a bent position.
- Sit with back supported, knees bent 90 degrees. Straighten one knee using the quad muscles against resistance then control return to bent.
- Perform 2-4 sets of 10-20 reps with both legs independently. Cables, machines, bands or dumbbells can provide resistance.
- Full range of motion is crucial – keep knees bent as far as comfortable without strain then fully extend.
- Knee extensions strengthen quads but are easier on the knees than squats. They help balance leg training.
- Seated knee extension machine
- Banded kneeling knee extension
- Cable knee extension
Related Terms
- Quadriceps, leg extensions, open vs. closed kinetic chain
Common Questions
- Are knee extensions bad for your knees? No if using proper form – they can benefit knee health.
- Should I do partial reps? Partial reps near full extension can isolate quad muscles, but perform full range too.
Do Not Confuse With
- Leg press – Compound quad exercise that also involves the knees.
- Leg raises – Abs exercise lying on back and lifting legs up.
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