Fat is an essential macronutrient and energy source for the body. Dietary fats and body fat tissue serve multiple functions related to energy storage, hormone regulation, nutrient absorption, and more.
- Dietary fats are consumed in foods and provide 9 calories per gram, more than carbs or protein (4 cals/gram). They are broken down into fatty acids.
- Body fat tissue comes from excess calories converted into triglyceride storage. Essential body fat protects organs and provides energy reserves.
- Fats support vitamin absorption, hormone production, cell growth, and inflammation. The type of fat determines its health impacts.
- Good fats are unsaturated like olive oil. Bad fats are saturated and trans fats that raise cholesterol and disease risk.
- Avocados, nuts, salmon – sources of healthy unsaturated fats
- Subcutaneous fat, visceral fat, adipose tissue
Related Terms
- Lipids, triglycerides, cholesterol, HDL, LDL, omega fatty acids, trans fats
Common Questions
- Is fat bad for you? No, some fats are essential for health. But excess and poor quality fats are harmful.
- How much fat should I eat? 20-35% of total daily calories should come from healthy unsaturated fats.
Do Not Confuse With
- Carbohydrates and protein – The other macronutrients that also provide calories.
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