What Does Catabolic mean?

Catabolic DEFINITION Catabolic refers to metabolic processes that break down complex molecules into smaller units and release energy. It is the opposite of anabolic processes that build bigger molecules. EXPLANATION EXAMPLES RELATED TERMS COMMON QUESTIONS…


What are Cheating Reps?

DEFINITION Cheating reps refer to a technique of using momentum or “cheating” to complete additional reps of an exercise when muscles are fatigued. This allows for extra workload beyond muscular failure. EXPLANATION EXAMPLES RELATED TERMS…


What is Circuit Training?

Circuit Training DEFINITION Circuit training involves moving quickly between different exercises with minimal rest, completing a circuit of stations to build muscular endurance and cardiovascular fitness. EXPLANATION EXAMPLES RELATED TERMS COMMON QUESTIONS DO NOT CONFUSE…


What is Cool Down?

DEFINITION A cool down is a period of light physical activity and stretching performed after more intense exercise. EXPLANATION A proper cool down allows your heart rate and breathing to gradually return to normal levels.…
