What is Sleep Hygiene?

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Sleep hygiene refers to behaviors, environmental factors, and practices that promote improved sleep quantity and quality. Good sleep hygiene sustains healthy rest.


  • Components of sleep hygiene include maintaining a cool, dark sleeping environment, limiting electronics, avoiding large meals before bed, reducing caffeine and daytime napping, and managing stress.
  • Consistent bed and wake times, physical activity, and relaxation techniques also improve sleep hygiene.
  • Poor sleep hygiene disrupts natural circadian rhythms and sleep cycles leading to daytime fatigue that impairs cognition, focus, hormone function, and recovery.
  • Adults should get 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep in a 24-hour period for optimal health, performance and mood.


  • Blocking out sunlight and noise sources in the bedroom.
  • No screen time 1-2 hours before bed.

Related Terms

  • Circadian Rhythm – The natural 24-hour cycle of biological processes in the body. Circadian rhythms regulate sleep-wake cycles.
  • Sleep Cycles – The cycles of sleep stages that occur during sleep. Includes light sleep, deep sleep, and REM sleep repeating through the night.
  • Insomnia – A sleep disorder characterized by persistent difficulty falling or staying asleep, resulting in daytime fatigue.
  • Sleep Debt – The accumulated hours of lost or poor quality sleep compared to optimal sleep needs. Leads to fatigue and impairment.

Common Questions

  • Why is sleep hygiene important? It sustains high quality sleep that impacts nearly all other aspects of health and performance.
  • How can I improve sleep hygiene? Keep a nightly routine: limit lights/screens, avoid meals before bed, manage stress, exercise earlier in the day.
sleep apnea can affect weight loss

Do Not Confuse With

  • Somnology – The medical specialty dedicated to sleep disorders and medicine.
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